Get it HERE

"For Newman, the conscious study of the processes and techniques of mapping allows us to confidently approach this uncharted territory with the knowledge that somehow we've done this before and can do so again in more interesting and humane ways. Newman's hypothesis, and the major contribution of this book, is its suggestion that how we go about doing so is always twofold. It involves developing a new set of analytical tools capable of bringing our maps into agreement with our intentions and desires, while also recognizing that we should be open to the refashioning of the premises of those desires that may come through our methodical engagement with the practices of mapmaking. "

 - Felipe Correa

Data Visualization for Design Thinking
helps designers make better maps. Treating maps as applied research, you will be able to understand how to map sites, places, ideas, and projects, revealing the complex relationships between representation, thinking, technology, culture, and aesthetic practices. More than 100 examples illustrated with over 200 color images show you how to visualize data through mapping. Includes five in-depth cases studies and numerous examples throughout.

The Clemson University Institute for Intelligent Materials, Systems and Environments (CU-iMSE) focuses its efforts on the design and evaluation of intelligent environments, their materials, and their systems. Partnering the departments of Architecture, Electrical and Computing Engineering, and Materials Science and Engineering, CUIMSE is home to interdisciplinary research and teaching teams sufficiently complex in composition to address the challenges of contemporary society with innovative solutions.

selected current courses

COURSE Spring 2022

ARC 8170 NASA: MoonStudio_MARS Habitat



Applied Mapping and Data Visualization, Routledge Sum 2017 - NEW! Book website [Link] [Get it HERE] and [Here] and [Here]

Engineering Aesthetics, with Shahin Vassigh, Routledge, forthcoming

Imaginative Beholding: Representation, Modernism and Aesthetics in Visual Culture. in process

Studio Books

Atlas Mar, 2012

Synthetic Ideologies, 2012

Messadi, T. and W.E. Newman, “Immersive Learning of Sustainable Building Design and Construction Practices,” Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) Conference, 2016

Newman, W. E., €œVirtual Humanities: I-CAVE Technology in Visual Culture,€ The Study of Visual Culture in the Era of Zeros and Ones, Conference sponsored by the Art Historians of Southern California, San Diego CA, October 18, 2014

Newman, W. E., Early Issues in Space Perception. In M. Allan, editor, Neuro-Logics: The Brain and the Experience of Architecture, University of Toronto, April 2014

Newman, W. E., What would Vitruvius do? Re-Thinking Architecture Education for the 21st Century Architecture Research Centers Consortium/EAAE 2014 International Conference, Feb. 14-19, 2014, Hawaii, Asia Pacific/USA

Newman, W. E., Shu-Ching Chen, Shahin Vassigh, Scott Graham, Keqi Zhang, Immersive Computing Environments for the Environment, ACSA 102nd Annual Meeting, Globalizing Architecture, April 10-12, 2014, Miami, FL/USA  {Link]

Newman, W. E., Collaborative Teaching for Stem and the Humanities in Architecture Programs:Engineering Aesthetics, Building Technology Educators’ Society, ACSA 102nd Annual MeetingSpecial Focus Session: Building Technology Educators’ Society ACSA Annual Meeting in Miami, FL/USA in April 2014  [Link]

Newman, W. E. and S. Vassigh, Sustainable Development and Interdisciplinary Education, 2014 One Voice International Conf., May 31, 2014, Orlando, FL/USA

Newman, W. E., Data Visualization for Advanced Site Analysis, 2014 Design Communication Conference, October -1-04, 2014, Atlanta GA/USA

Newman, W. E., Applied Mapping for Beginning Design. In E. Oskey, editor, National Conference on the Beginning Design Student 2013 Actions: Making of Place: 131–139. National Conference on the Beginning Design Student, April 2012  [Link]

Newman, W. E., Mapping as Applied Research. In C. Jarett, K.-H. Kim, and N. Senske, editors, ARCC Architectural Research Conference - The Visibility of Research: 228–236. Architecture Research Council Consortium (ARCC), March 27-30 2012 {PDF}

Newman, W. E. and R. Rivera. Atlas Mar: Advanced Interdisciplinary Studio. In A. Aslankan, K. P. Henrique, and A. Parikh, editors, Nature of Spatial Practice: 102-106. Pennsylvania State University, Stuckeman School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Pennsylvania State University, May 2012, 2013

Newman, W. E., Putting Florida on the Map, Florida History Society, University of Florida, May 23-16, 2013

Newman, W. E. and S. Vassigh, Matter as Energy, ACE 2013, Annual International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering, March 18-19 2013, Singapore

€œPhantasmata Poetica: Images as Objects of Knowledge,” Conference Paper, Critical information: Mapping the Intersection of Art and Technology, School of Visual Arts, New York, 3 Dec 2011

ACSA Conference: Landscape and Architecture, paper ”Understanding Ordinary Perspective” (invited), 2001

Architecture, Technology and the Historical Subject,” Conference at the Ecole Supérieure, Paris, Paper: €The (Mostly) Mechanical Eye: Physiological Psychology and Perception of Space in the Empiricist Science of Mind€ 2007

€Interdisciplinary Conference on Space,€ Brown University, Paper: €Collecting the World or Collections of the World: A. Ortelius, the Theatrum Orbis Terrarum and G. Mercator Atlas sive Cosmographica” (invited), 2005


Newman, W.E. and Shahin Vassigh (2016) What Would Vitruvius Do? Re-thinking Architecture Education for the 21st Century University, Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 10, 166-174, doi: 10.17265/1934-7359/2016.02.005

Vassigh S, Newman W.E., Mostafavi A, Behzadan A (2015) Hybrid Technologies for Interdisciplinary Education. J Civil Environ Eng 5: 201.doi: 10.4172/2165-784X.1000201

Newman, W. E., Architecture Theory in the 19th century. In J. Mattingly and G. J. Golson, editors, Encyclopedia of Theory, volume 1. SAGE Publications, 1st edition, 2014

Newman, W. E., Architecture Theory in the 20th century. In J. Mattingly and G. J. Golson, editors, Encyclopedia of Theory, volume 1. SAGE Publications,1st edition, 2014

Newman, W. E., Architecture Theory in the Enlightenment. In J. Mattingly and G. J. Golson, editors, Encyclopedia of Theory, volume 1. SAGE Publications, 1st edition, 2014

Newman, W. E., Contemporary Theory in Architecture. In J. Mattingly and G. J. Golson, editors, Encyclopedia of Theory, volume 1. SAGE Publications, 1st edition, 2014

Vassigh, S, W. E. Newman, A. Behzadan, Y. Zhu, S-C.. Chen, S. Graham, Collaborative Learning in Building Sciences Enabled by Augmented Reality, American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture {PDF}

Newman, W. E., Space and/or Place in Early Atlases. Environment, Space and Place, (ZETA Books) Published in collaboration with the International Association for the Study of Environment, Space, and Place (IASESP), Vol. 1, Fall 2014: 125-151

Newman, W.E. Essay, Semi-Automatic What? for exhibit, Semi-Automatic, Frank Jacobus and Marc Manack, curators and exhibit design, Fay Jones School of Architecture + Design Gallery, Oc.t 21-Dec. 20, 2015

GSD Platform 4, [Link]

€Traces (Inscriptions) and Movement, [Trans. in German as Spuren und Bewegung (Inskription),€ Traces and Movement, 2009

Between Movement: The Photographic Work of Aurore Reinicke€ [Trans. in German as ”Zwischen Bewegung und Bewegung: Die Photografischen Arbeiten von Aurore Reinicke,€Reminiscence 2009

Drisin, A. and Newman, W.E., eds. Journal of Architectural Education Vol. 61-3 Theme Issue: War and Architecture, Vol. 61, Dec 2007

Newman, W.E., €City that Care Forgot€ in New Orleans: Strategies for a City in Soft Land, Joan Busquets, Joan and Felipe Correa eds., Cambridge. MA, 2005

Book Review, E. Casey, Representing Place: Landscape Painting and Maps, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2002, in CCA Reviews, 2004 [Link]

€Understanding Ordinary Perspective,” Ecumene, Issue: 01, online 2002

Fall 2002 Selected projects, The Master Architect Series, No. 4, Hellmuth, Obata and Kassabaum: Selected and Current Works, Images,New York (1999)

€™Mediatheque,€™ in Studio  Works15, Harvard Graduate School of Design (1998)

€™Museum in Torcello,€™ in Studio Works14, Harvard Graduate School of Design (1997)

Body, Self and Other, in Paratactics 2, Harvard Gradaute School of Design (1997)

in progress

NSF-IUSE-Exploration, Strategies for Learning: Augmented Reality and Collaborative Problem-Solving for Building Science, Shahin Vassigh, PI; W. E. Newman (PI, Arkansas), Tahar Messadi (Co-PI, Ark), Andrew Braham (Co-PI, Ark), Darin Nutter (Co-PI, Ark), Ali Mostafavi, Amir Behzadan (PI, Mississippi State), Co-PIs, Total Budget: $217,695, completed

Research Funds from RSSP University of Arkansas, $275,000 Awarded to Dr. Newman, July, 2015

2013-2016: US DOT-TIGER UniversityCity Prosperity Project, Institutional Lead: SVP&CFO K. Jessell, PI: N. Rishe, Lead Facilitator: T. Gustafson, Co-PIs: S. S. Iyengar (CSI), M. Hadi (Eng), A. Drisin (CARTA), W. E. Newman (CARTA-SOA), N. Prabakar (Bus), P. Mozumder (AS), C. Lisetti, R. Rovira (CARTA-LA), J. Acuna (Med), E. Murray (Met Center), S. Graham (CSI), J.-H. Kim (Eng), A. Azizinamini (Eng), N. Szeinblum, F. Alonso, 9/5/13, Total Budget: $11,397,120,


2015: FIU Technology Fee, Computer Augmented Immersive Environment: A Dynamic Educational Instrument, I-CAVE, Award # , PI/PD W.E. Newman (SOA), Team: Scott Graham (CS), Steve Luis (CS), Eric Johnson (CS), Mike Kirgen (UTS/HPC), Shu-Ching Chen (CS), Nezih Pala (ECS), Total Budget: $305,000* completed

2014: FIU Technology Fee, Computer Augmented Immersive Environment: A Dynamic Educational Instrument, I-CAVE Award # , PI/PD W.E. Newman (SOA), Team: Scott Graham (CS), Steve Luis (CS), Eric Johnson (CS), Mike Kirgen (UTS/HPC), Shu-Ching Chen (CS), Nezih Pala (ECS), Total Budget: $502,365* completed


2013: District 11: Strategic Development Plan, DoR Award #: 800003393, PI/PD W. E. Newman (SOA), Co-PIs: X. Jin (Eng.), E. Murray (Center for Metropolitan Studies), R. Rovira (SOA-LA), Sr. Investigators J. Chandler, T. Spiegelhalter (SOA). Total Budget: $95,678

2013: US DOT-TIGER 9/5/13, UniversityCity Prosperity Project, Institutional Lead: SVP&CFO K. Jessell, PI: N. Rishe, Lead Facilitator: T. Gustafson, Co-PIs: S. S. Iyengar (CSI), M. Hadi (Eng), A. Drisin (CARTA), W. E Newman (CARTA-SOA), N. Prabakar (Bus), P. Mozumder (AS), C. Lisetti, R. Rovira (CARTA-LA), J. Acuna (Med), E. Murray (Met Center), S. Graham (CSI), J-H. Kim (Eng), A. Azizinamini (Eng), N. Szeinblum, F. Alonso, Total Budget: $11,397,120,, ongoing

2013: TIGER UniversityCity Prosperity Project, Project Impact Analysis, part of the UniversityCity Evaluation Group (UCEG): D. Davis (I/UCRC-CAKE), T. Gustafson, P. Mozumder (IHRC Lab for Soc Sci Res), P. Harlem, D. Gann (GISRS Lab), E. Murray, M. Ilcheva, J. Webb (Met Center), P. Stoddard (Bio Sci), J. Acuna (College of Med), A. Gorelick (Honors College), L. Scinto (SERC), K. Zhang (IHRC Lab for Coastal Research), G. Tachiev (Applied Research Center), W. E Newman (CARTA-SOA), Total Budget: $368,000, part of the TIGER-2013

2014: Cejas Family Foundation Research Award, Florida International University, Total Budget: $2,350, 4.5 months

2013: Cejas Family Foundation Research Award, Florida International University, Total Budget: $2,000, 4.5 months

2012: Wolfsonian-FIU Research Grant, Wolfsonian-FIU, Total Budget: $5,000, 1.5 months, completed

2011: Graham Foundation for the Advancement of the Arts Grant for Research to Individuals, Total Budget: $5,000, 1.5 months, summer, completed 

2011-2012: An Open-Source Integrated Computing Infrastructure to Support the Life Cycle Design and Engineering of High Performance Building. Competitive FIU-CEC Seed Grant Award: – Case Study FIU-SIPA campus building. Interdisciplinary Research FIU. Co-PIs; Y. Zhu (CM); S-Ch. Chen (SCIS); S. Graham (SCIS), S. Luis (SCIS), N. Pala (ECE); S. Vassigh (SOA), T. Spiegelhalter (SOA) and W. E. Newman (SOA), Total Budget: $30,000, completed

2001-2003: University of Tennessee Reagan Fund Grant, Co-PI/PD W. E Newman and A. Drisin, Total Budget: $4,500, completed

2001-2003: Washington University Visual Arts and Design Center Grant, Co-PI/PD W. E. Newman and L. Stouffer, Total Budget: $3,500, completed

Physiological Psychology and the Aesthetics of Perception
Department II: Ideals and Practices of Rationality


2015: Microsoft Hololens Grant: Using Hololens-based Augmented Raality in Next-Generation Building Information Management, David Fredrick (PI), Rhodora Vennarucci (Co-PI), Winifred Newman (Co-PI), Rebecca Benefiel (Co-PI), $160,000

2015: Microsoft Hololens Grant: Teaching Teachers: Using Hololens in Education, Winifred Newman (PI), John C. Pijanowski (Co-PI), $149.000

2015: Microsoft Hololens Grant: The Archaeology of Spatial Cognition: Through the Hololens toward Holistic Cognitive Geography in Pompeii, David Fredrick (PI), Winifred Newman (Co-PI), Rhodora Vennarucci (Co-PI), $189,000

2014: NSF-CRI, II-NEW, Distributed Multi-Layer Research Infrastructure for Disaster Information Management, Shu-Ching Chen, PI; Jason Lu, W. E. Newman, Xudong He, Tao Li, Co-PIs, Total Budget: $750,000

NSF-IUSE-Exploration, Strategies for Learning: Augmented Reality and Collaborative Problem-Solving for Building Science, Shahin Vassigh, PI; W. E. Newman, Ali Mostafavi, Amir Behzadan, Co-PIs, Total Budget: $217,695, awarded

NCARB: Collaborative Learning for Sustainable and Resilient Building Design Enabled by Augmented Reality, W. E. Newman and Shahin Vassigh Co-PIs, Total Budget: $35,000

SCIS-DoD/CREST, Center for Environmental Aquatic Chemistry & Ecotoxicology (CEACE), Todd Crowl, PI; multiple Co-PIs from engineering, social science, science and computer science; W. E. Newman, Sr. Investigator involved in the Education Program for CEACE, Total Budget: $25,000,000, awarded

NIH–R-21R21 Grant-PA-14-159: Translational Research to Help Older Adults Maintain their Health and Independence in the Community (R21), Multi-sensory Perception in Post-stroke Patient Groups. Grant for cognitive disabilities studies with post-stroke patients. Co-PIs: K. Maitra, W. E. Newman, Total Budget: TBD

NRT-14-458 NRT-DESE: Green STEM Academy: A Data-Driven Interdisciplinary Approach to Graduate Education for a Sustainable Built Environment. NRT Data-enabled Science and Engineering program, PI/PD Shu-Ching Chen, Co-PIs: S. Vassigh, S. Crowl, W. E. Newman, Sr. Investigator, Total Budget: $2,999,604

2014: District 11: Strategic Communication Study, PI: W. E Newman, Co-PI: Carlos Parras (Business), Kevin Greiner (MET Center/CARTA), Total Budget: $35,000*

2014 Urban Design Corridor Study at Hallandale Blvd., Hallandale, FL, joint proposal with Metropolitan Center, PI: Edward Murray, Co-PI: W. E. Newman, Total Budget: $29,000

2014: NIST-CR-COE-01 Community Resilience Center of Excellence Program, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Department of Commerce (DoC), Community Resilience Center of Excellence Program, PI: Shu-Ching Chen, Co-PIs: Jason Lu, Shu-Ching Chen, Xudong He, W. E. Newman, Sr. Investigator, Total Budget: $400,000*

DoD CoE (Centers of Excellence) Program: BAA RIK-2014-0008, Center for Excellence in Data Analytics, PI: Shu-Ching Chen (SCIS); Co-PIs: Tao Li (SCIS), Xudong He (SCIS), Jason Liu (SCIS), Shahin Vassigh (ARC), Winifred E Newman (ARC), Total Budget: $1.2M*

2014: NSF Cyberlearning EXP: Collaborative Learning in Building Sciences Enabled by Augmented Reality, PI/PD S. Vassigh, Co-PIs: W. E Newman, Y. Zhu, S-C. Chen, A. Behzadan (University of Central Florida), Total Budget: TBD

2014: Knight Foundation Grant, Community Design Practice: Cultivating Public Space & Place, PI: A. Drisin, Co-PIs: W. E. Newman, D. Rifkind, Total Budget: $125,000

2014: US ArtPlace, Miami ArtsCity Design Practice, PI: A. Drisin, Co-PIs: J. Chandler, B. Schriner, R. Rovira, W. E. Newman, N. Nedev, Total Budget: $359,850,000, pending

2014: I/UCRC NSF Industry-University Cooperative Research Center for Advanced Knowledge Enablement at Florida International and Atlantic Universities and Dubna International University, Research Topic Presentation at IAB Meeting: “Augmented Reality for Disaster Relief: Multiplayer Virtual Maps”, PI/PD: W. E. Newman, Total Budget: $50,000

2014: National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipends, selected as one of two professors at FIU to submit. Requested support for book project: Imaginative beholding: Physiological psychology and the discourse on representation in fin-de-siècle Germany, Total Budget: $6,000 (selected again for 2014)

2014: US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development (HUD), South Florida Civic Design Lab (SOFLO CIVLAB), PI: A. Drisin, Co-PI: C. Rosales, T. Spiegelhalter, Participating faculty: J. Chandler, W. E. Newman, M. Benjamin, G. Read, R. Rovira, N. Nedev, E. Cardona, Total Budget: $1,361,000

2012-ongoing: FIU Center Proposal, Center for Sustainable Built Environment and Informatics (SBEI), an effort organized by an interdisciplinary group of faculty from Architecture, Engineering, Construction Management, Computer Sciences, and Arts & Sciences. Includes the following core faculty: S. Vassigh, S-C. Chen, W. E. Newman, S. Graham, L. Scinto, N. Pala, O. Abdul-Aziz, X. Jin, P. Mozumder, T. Spiegelhalter, A. Mostafavidarani, Y. C. Kang, C-X. (Charlie) Lin, A. Chowdury, K. Zhang. Supported by Deans B. Schriner and A. Mirman.

2012: FIU Seed Grant, Basic Behavioral Research on Multi-Sensory Processing in a Context based Approach to Movement in Post-stroke Patients, Co-PI/PD W. E. Newman (Arch), K. Maitra (OTH), Total Budget: $30,000


exhibits | websites

Inventing Fuller, Fay Jones School of Architecture + Design Exhibition Gallery. Curated exhibit of Buckminster Fuller original lithographs, sculptures, and sketches. Feb. 1-March 15, 2016.

Material Spaces, sUgAr Gallery, Fayetteville, AR. Curated exhibit of student work from the Fay Jones School of Architecture + Design, Mar. 9 – Apr. 15, 2017. 

"FIU Master of Arts in Architecture Works", April 2013, FIU Miami Beach Urban Studios, curated by Winifred E. Newman / Nik Nedev [Link]

FACULTY WORK, Miami Beach Urban Studio’s Main Gallery, Spring 2013. Curated by Nikolai Nedev. Work selected for exhibit included current research in neuroscience and architecture and current book projects, Imaginative Beholding and Engineering Aesthetics 

Synthetic Ideologies: The Post-War Architecture Machine,€ BEA Gallery, School of Architecture, Florida International University. April 16-June 1, 2012. W. E. Newman, Curator, V. Nahon, Asst. Curator. Exhibit includes work of graduate students in advanced theory of design courses in the SOA at FIU by W. E. Newman, Fall 2011. The exhibit book, entitled Synthetic Ideologies, published Fall 2012

Exhibition Book Available HERE

Architecture in Detail: Case Studies in 20th Century Architecture, Fall 2010 curator, Samfox School of Art and Design, Givens Hall, Feb. 3-25

Analytical Praxis: Concepts and Principles in Architecture, Fall 2010, curator, Washington University in St. Louis, Givens Hall, Mar. 1-25  

INNOVATION & ENGINEERING WEEKEND Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science, Miami, FL, Feb. 21, 2015 {Link} 

Window/€“Zoom/Capture: The Landscapes of Patty Heyda, Curator, Art St. Louis Gallery, March 20-April 19, 2010

Applied Mapping, Curator, Steinberg Gallery, April 15-March 2, 2010  Sam Fox School of Art and Design

Architecture in Detail: Case Studies in 20th century Architecture, Curator, Givens Gallery, Feb. 3-25, 2010, Samfox School of Art and Design,

Design/Recline: Modern Architecture and the Mid-Century Chaise Longue Features Works Designed by Le Corbusier, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Marcel Breuer, Alvar Aalto, and Charles and Ray Eames, Exhibit curator R. Schuldenfrei, Busch-Reisinger Museum, Harvard University, March 20-July 11, 2004, exhibit talks W. E Newman

Hyper-Space: The Queens Plaza Competition 2003, work of W. E. Newman and Fieldoffice, LLC, Givens Hall, Washington University in St. Louis

Living Box I, Exhibit of Studio Work, curator W. E. Newman, includes exhibit publication: Living Box I, Studio Work, Givens Hall Gallery, Feb. 14- March 16, Washington University in St. Louis, 2002

 lectures | talks

 Newman W.E., €œI was Thinking€, Public lecture for Missouri Historical Society Jefferson Award in honor of Gyo Obata, coordinated with public education event for secondary schools, St. Louis, MO, Nov. 2-3, 2017 {Link}

Newman, W.E., Data Visualization: Organizing the Map V.2, at University of Arkansas GIS Day, Nov. 16, 2016

Newman, W.E., Invited Speaker, “Mixed Reality in Design and Academics”, Colorado State University, Virtual Reality Symposium, Oct. 21, Ft. Collins, CO, 2016  {Link}  [Video]

W.E., Keynote Address, œNew (Old) Directions in Computer Augmented Virtual Reality€, First Annual CAAV Conference, Jun 3, Denver, CO, 2016 

Newman, W.E., Poster: Mapping Space to Map Spatial Perception for Healthy Living, Neuroscience Research Symposium, University of Arkansas, 2015

ACSA Webinar for Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design, Fall 2016. Webinar abstract: Architecture Representation: Fay Jones School of Architecture + Design: A Culture of Making

Newman, W.E., Invited panelist, Panel topic: Human Sensation, “Mapping Space to Map Spatial Perception for Healthy Living,” Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics, 13th World Congress, 8-10 April 2016, Miami, FL

Newman, W.E., Data Visualization: Organizing the Map, at University of Arkansas GIS Day, Nov. 18, 2015

Newman, W.E., New (Old) Directions in Architecture, Architecture and Design Network Lecture Series, Little Rock, AR, Dec. 8, 2015  [Link]

Newman, W.E. Your Brain on Your House: Neuroaesthetics and Ecological Psychology, University of Chicago’s NEURO (Neuroscience Education, University Research and Outreach) Club, Oct. 24, 2016[Link}

Master class with Winifred Newman (co-sponsored) €Mapping the Panorama€, Jackman Humanities Institute Working Groups, Experiencing the City: In Translation, University of Toronto, 7 March 2014 [Link}

FA13 National YoungArts Foundation Master-Artist in Design [Link}

My research concentrates on space perception, ecological psychology, and neuroaesthetics with active research in neuromorphic architecture, mapping and data visualization, STEM learning environments and histories of technology and science.
I am interested in the way we construct our reality based on our perception of stimuli and how it is coded through cognition. 

For more about my research, visit my blog:

R. M. Cooper Library, November 27 – December 12, 2018,  "A New Birth of Freedom..."

W.E. Newman, "The ground on which we stand: M001, pencil and pastel on paper, 19"x22", 2018

ARC 4023 BioCity (Fall 2017)

The course offers an introduction to urban form and design with a special focus on the physical, historical, and social form of cities in relationship to our construction of nature. Selected cities are analyzed, drawn, and compared. Map making and urban representation will be used as analytical tools. Special attention is placed on the theoretical framework of new city proposals, especially midnineteenth and mid-twentieth century periods of expansion and their influence on contemporary urban theory.

ARC 4023 Objects of Desire (Spring 2016)
 This course focuses on the problems of product design for particular user groups. Students in architecture and interior design will work together to understand the functional needs of people with a variety of neurological and physical challenges and propose to improve upon or design new devices based on a rigorous analysis of patient needs, therapeutic outcomes and potential patent development. Students will learn to document and analyze findings, prepare and make material samples of propositions, and present work and findings to a professional organization. Topics covered include spatial syntax, isovist analysis, ergonomics, functionality, aesthetics, and usability (user-interface) of objects. The goal of the course is to engage in 1) developing an understanding of spatial syntax, 2) the functionbased design of medical and human-use devices used in the field of occupational therapy, and 2) apply the same analytical approach to the design of everyday objects.

ARC 5933 Space, Society and the Digital (Spring 2017)
This course studies contemporary questions raised by the history of the digital revolution in the domain of art and architecture. Images and our imagination are closely linked to the tools we use. In the past few decades computers, digital networks and the various tools associated with the emergence of the information age are increasingly under examination. But what at first appears to be a recent phenomenon has a relatively long history. From the beginning of the machine age to the emergence of the “human motor” and the mid-century exploration of virtual worlds through computer-aided simulations, the presence of a digital revolution asserts itself long before our current age of information. The course addresses the history of technology through the material and social artifacts of the last two centuries. 

ARC 5935 Applied Mapping (Fall)
Mapping reveals the complex relationship between representation and thinking, technology, culture and aesthetic practices. Embedded in the discussion are the general terms of cartography and how mapping re-constructs a three-dimensional world onto a surface. We address the map both as a text and as an object of historical explanation from which we can gain a better understanding of current spatial practices. With the aim of developing more effective ways to employ mapping, this course looks at maps in relation to the cartographic histories associated with the form of the map used (ichnographic, cognitive, photogrammetric) and the relationship of these maps to place. We will focus on mapping as a strategy for calibrating conditions of understanding place.

Research: Fargates

Fargates embody a platform for physically and digitally bridging remote people, places, and content. Ferntor weave bands of multitouch screens and illuminated interactive paper with constellations of tangible interaction devices, all upon an illuminated, remotely-linked floor. We believe Fargates illustrate a promising path toward architectural engagement with remote people and information

LINK to Smithsonian

Brygg Ullmer (HCI)
Winifred Elysse Newman (ARC)
Miriam Konkel (Sci)
John Griffin (Sci)
Shan Sutherland (ARC)
Sida Dai (ARC)
Joshua Graham (ACR)
Kyle Kane (ARC)
Mitali Bhosekar (HCI)
Dan Roberts (HCI)
Aika Washington (HCI)

selected current research

Research: Mapping Visual Stimulus Complexity & Spatial Navigation: Factors that Change with Age

Dr. Winifred E Newman, Architecture
Dr. Kaileigh Bryne, Cognitive Psychology
Dr. Leslie Ross, Cognitive Psychology
Tong Liu, PhD Student
Arielle Speoncer, PhD Student

Sponsor: Clemson Research Gra nt